Annual Telco Embargo: December 14, 2020 to January 14, 2021

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End of year is coming, and with it comes the Telco Embargo.

As we approach the end of the year, we also approach a period where major Telcos including NBNco stop setting up services over the holiday season. This information is especially important if you’re thinking of moving offices or upgrading your business phone system as it makes it doubly important that you contact Databox well in advance to make sure the new lines get installed before the date of the embargo. With that in mind we have created this page with all the information you need to know for the Telco Embargo 2020.

If you would like to learn more about how the telco embargo period will affect your business and to book jobs call our friendly team on 1300 603 404.

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What does the telco embargo mean for my business?

The annual Telco embargo is a period (December 14, 2020 to January 14, 2021) during which telecommunications carriers won’t be providing services through the holiday season. The Australian Telco Network has an industry-wide embargo period where the carriers (e.g. Telstra, Optus, SpringCom, TPG, NBNco etc) don’t provision certain types of new services; such as new copper, fibre, NBN, or broadband cabling and connection connecting new phone lines. Additionally, network reconfigurations, relocations and hardware or software upgrades on their networks won’t be carried out and process any porting requests. This is especially important if you are planning on relocating offices and need to set up your internet and phone systems before the deadline.

This embargo period is in place to ensure that all providers can be upfront and clear with customers about what they can expect during the festive period. Telco providers are able to take new orders throughout the holiday period, but carriers e.g. Telstra, SpringCom, TPG will not process the relevant information and paperwork during this embargo period for the carriage components of any order.

This embargo period is the same for all wholesalers and providers, and it is up to telco’s what level of staffing they offer during that period.

This shouldn’t be confused with phone system providers, like the team here at Databox. The embargo period doesn’t directly affect our services – we still operate installing on Premise Phone Systems etc, but there just might not be any new phone lines from the carrier’s network there to connect too.

How do I avoid business interruption or other aversive impacts?

First and foremost, if you’re relocating offices, this information is especially important for you. Make sure you plan ahead and connect any new phone lines, and set up networks before the deadline (again, December 14- 2020). It is especially prudent to Databox as early as possible to ensure the process is as easy and non-laborious as it can be..
There is likely to be a high volume of orders so it is especially important that you contact us as soon as possible.

Will support services be affected?

Support and maintenance services will thankfully be operating as usual during the embargo period, though you should be mindful of the fact that there will likely be fewer admin and technical staff working during this period (especially Christmas, Boxing Day, and New Year’s Day) so service delays are to be expected.

The important facts for the 2020 – 2021 telco embargo period are:

New Orders

Orders placed with most telco’s including Databox immediately prior to 13th December 2020 will proceed as far as possible. However, depending upon the network components of these orders, completion of these orders may not occur until the embargo period has passed and in many cases weeks after the embargo period has passed as carriers work through all outstanding orders.


Fault restoration activity is exempt from the network embargo period and can be lodged per normal with service providers.

System Updates – Adds, Moves & Changes

Like many businesses’ telco providers may operate with a skeleton staff through the holiday period, so are likely to priorities clients that have adds moves and changes as part of their contract or have maintenance contracts with them.

Do you need help with your business phone system?

Contact our local, Brisbane team today and we’d be happy to discuss your options.

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